TRAC always welcomes new members
With more members we have a greater voice in the Kingborough region to protect and maintain the tracks for recreational activities like bushwalking, cycling, dog walking and horse riding.As a member, you will meet new people who share your outdoor interests. You will receive the latest TRACNEWS, to keep you up to date on TRAC’s most recent activities and achievements.
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Best Value
SINGLE Membership
Every year
Valid until canceled
Receive updates about tracks including closures
Receive updates about new tracks, explore maps.
Join in with other members: working bees, socially, meetings
Access our forums and blogs, lots of interesting tidbits

Best Value
FAMILY Membership
Every year
Let's include the family.
Valid until canceled
Receive everything the 'single' members receive and
... at social gatherings bring the whole family and
... meet other families with similar interests
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