An impressive network of trails has been established in Kingborough
Our Achievments
As a result of TRAC lobbying and hard work, an impressive network of trails has been established in Kingborough, and is still expanding.
Kaoota Colliery Tramway
Did you know that the historic Kaoota Colliery Tramway track was lost to the public as a result of subdivision? TRAC supported Kingborough Council to take legal action to try to save it. This was unsuccessful but we never gave up and in ???? Council was able to restore this iconic trail to us.
Public recreational Crown land
Did you know that in 2005 the Crown Land Department planned a massive sale of public recreational Crown land? TRAC members were able to utilise their knowledge to identify land and tracks currently being used and also tracts of land suitable for new trails. We advised Crown Land of 12 locations in Kingston, Leslie Vale, Sandfly, Kaoota and Margate. The most significant results of this process were the establishment by Council of the ‘Margate Tramway Track” (Van Morey Rd) and the extensive Baretta Reserve (south of the Waste and Recycling Centre, Margate).
Tracks established due to the efforts of TRAC
Other TRAC significant contributions
Kingborough Community Consultative Forum 2005
Tracks and Trails Forum 2006
Respect Rural Recreation Road Safety Campaign 2006 - 2008
Kingborough Tracks and Trails Advisory Group 2007 - 2011
Coningham Nature Recreation Area Draft Management Plan 2008
Longley Oval revival 2008 – 2010
Peter Fehre’s Hobart to Huon Regional Trail 2009 – 2010
2 day Kingborough Council Community Visioning Conference 2009 re Strategic Plan
‘Tasmania Together 2020’ (proposal put forward in 2010)
The Kingborough Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy Community Survey 2011
Wellington Park Management Plan Review 2011 – 2012
Brookfield Equestrian Centre proposal 2011-2013
Wellington to Wilderness Concept Multi Use Recreation Track proposal 2012 – 2014
Derwent Valley Rail Trail Proposal 2018
Department of State Growth Channel Highway planning study Kingston to Margate 2019.
The TRAC Connections Trail/North West Bay River Track 2009 - ongoing
Respect Rural Rec
Longley Oval
Brookfield and Connections Trail